First Fashion Show

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Recently I had a project assigned to us by our teachers to style up 2 members from each group. I and my friend had to dress up as people from 1920s. I dressed up as the famous Flapper Girl from that era and my friend dressed up in men’s wear because thats the era when Coco Chanel brought the menswear for women. It was hard to make that flapper but we managed it, kind of.

This was my first fashion show ever, and I haven’t been this scared. But I did it ( I wasnt Kendall Jenner but I did it! 😀 ) The moment I walked up to the end point and saw all the cameras and lights in front of me, kid you not it made me weak from waist below. But I managed with a smile while looking at nowhere to distract myself and walked away. I did make mistakes, but we learn from it. I did want to be a runaway model when I was a kid but with time it changed. However, the main part for me was that I came out from my comfort zone and did it. Having anxiety and doing something like this is a little nerve-wrecking.

But at the end of the day, I am really happy and proud of myself for doing this and smiling it away. 🙂

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