A Recent Hobby

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Hola! šŸ˜€

Sorry for not uploading on Wednesday as per my upload schedule. But I was in a hibernating mode. No special reasons…just lazy to move myself. šŸ˜€ Anyways I have been having this new interest with Gardening. To be honest when I was young I was really scared of gardening because I thought a worm would crawl up my arm. (Childhood fears…actually I am still a little paranoid about that)

Anyways, I have a balcony attached to my bedroom and since we’ve moved to our present house…it has only seen a laundry basket and clothes hung to dry. And as I have an heart of art I now want to jazz it up and make it look like some kind of Parisian Flower Shop/Boutique ā¤ And so I have started going out and getting little house plants. As you can see I have roughly painted 2 pots white and did a little Macrame hangings for the pots. The other 2 needs a nice pot to be put into. I might buy that tomorrow. I am really into this right now because I have friends and families around and they absolutely LOVE my room but then now I want to extend my creativity a little more. I have a plan to put a cute bench or love seat in one corner and then some warm fairy lights. Pretty vintage lanterns hanging from the ceiling. I already have an image in my head. I just need to execute now šŸ˜€ And I cant wait to do it. However I’ll keep you updated with progress that would take.

I also have a plant, Succulent in my room. I also did a cheeky little jazzing up with the pot.Processed with VSCO

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This one just stay on my table top. I call this one Steve. I dont know why..but I just wanted him to be Steve.

So this is my obsession at the moment. šŸ˜€ And I am loving it ā¤

BTW I read all of the best wishes you all gave me for my last blog post. My test actually went pretty well. Surprisingly. However there are 40,000 students who sat for the same exam. I just hope I get through this lot. *fingers crossed* The result will be out by March..probably. Thank you soo soo much for being such a good audience and wishing me ā¤ I love you guys soo much ā¤

Till then, Take Care ā¤

Debo x

11 thoughts on “A Recent Hobby

  1. Even I get hell scared by the mere thought of a worm crawling up my arm. You are indeed very creative. Loved the pictures and their presentation. Esp. that white lamp! Also, all the best for the results. šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»

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